
May 30, 2024 Our method FeatSplat ranked 2nd :star2: on the Novel View Synthesis challenge of the ScanNet++ CVPR 2024 Workshop. I am thankful for beening invited to present our last paper “Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap” at the ScanNet++ Workshop! :sparkles:
Jan 22, 2024 From April until July, I will be doing a 4 months research stay at the CV Lab, from University van Amsterdam, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Martin R. Oswald. I am eager to collaborate with such an expert on neural representations for SLAM! :smile:
Oct 16, 2023 The full version of “Ray-Patch: An Efficient Querying for Light Field Transformers” has been accepted for a :fireworks: spotlight :fireworks: at the International Conference on 3D Vision 2024. :smile:
Aug 05, 2023 A short version of our paper “Ray-Patch: An Efficient Querying for Light Field Transformers” has been accepted for publication on RCV - ICCV 2023 Workshop.
Jul 11, 2023 As last year, in the course 2023 - 2024, I will help Javier Civera, J. M. Montiel, J. Bermudez and J. D. Tardos in the laboratory sessions of Machine Learning and Computer Vision of the MRGCV, and Aprendizaje automático of the BSc in Informatics Engineering. I am eager to continue collaborating and learning from such expert and dedicated faculties!
Dec 22, 2021 I was granted a PhD candidate scholarship by Gobierno de Aragón! :sparkles: :smile: