General Information

Full Name Tomás Berriel Martins
Languages Spanish, Italian, English


  • 2022 -
    Predoctoral researcher
    University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    • I am working on the application of Computer Vision and Representation Learning algorithms for Spatial AI.
  • 2020 - 2022
    Research Assistant
    University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    • Worked with Javier Civera on the use of Bayesian Neural Networks for uncertainty prediction in 360º images' layout estimation.
  • 2019 - 2020
    Robotics Research & Development junior Engineer
    ITAINNOVA, Zaragoza, Spain
    • I was part of the Mecatronic division, a multidisciplinary team which developed solutions for autonomous systems. I helped developing and integrating software for different autonomous tasks, including deploying perception algorithms to detect and avoid dynamic obstacles, and integrating GPS information into the localization estimation. I also worked on writing documentation, and acting as support for the client.
    • As my first working experience I was lucky to be sourrounded by experienced and knowledgeble engineers. I learned the importance of project development and tracking, testing, documentation, and overall, appropriate communication skills and team dynamics.


  • 2020 - 2022
    Master in Robotics, Graphics, and Computer Vision (MRGCV)
    University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    • Multidisciplinary master which covered light transimissions and scene renderings, multiview geometry, autonomous robots navigation and planning, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, and also computer architectures. It has been a pleasure to learn from renown experts from the Robotics Pereception and Real Time Group, the Graphics and Imaging Lab, and the Computer Architecture Group.
    • My master's thesis, 'Learning disentangled representations of scenes from images', studied the use of transfer learning as bias to reduce the computational cost of a State of the Art model for unsupervised semantic disentanglement learning of 2D synthetic scenes.
  • 2015 - 2019
    Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering
    University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
    • With a great importance to both digital and analogic electronic devices, and engineering control theory, the bachelor also covered other industrial fields like fluid dynamics, mechanics, and thermodynamcis and heat transmission. On the last year I took specialization courses on Autonomous Robots and Computer Vision.
    • My bachelor's thesis, 'Automated human actions recognition in 3D video sequences', focused on the study of Long Short Term Memory neural networks for classification of RGB-D sequences of human actions.

Academic Interests

  • 3D Representations
    • 3D Geometry
    • Neural representations
    • SLAM

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Trekking, dancing, eating delicious foods, travelling, and several others.