Tomás Berriel Martins

PhD candidate at University of Zaragoza.


I am working with Dr. Javier Civera on Computer Vision and Representation Learning for World Models. We aim to disentangle the properties of the elements on a scene to improve the generalization capabilities of current semantic SLAM algorithms. Currently I am diving in the multi-scene neural rendering world.

I have special interest on the human brain and how it works and develops abstract representations and thoughts.

Professional learner, passionate about discovering and understanding the wonders of this complex world. I enjoy meeting new cultures and their richness.

Born in Uruguay :uruguay:, raised in Italy :it:, currently in Spain :es:.


May 30, 2024 Our method FeatSplat ranked 2nd :star2: on the Novel View Synthesis challenge of the ScanNet++ CVPR 2024 Workshop. I am thankful for beening invited to present our last paper “Feature Splatting for Better Novel View Synthesis with Low Overlap” at the ScanNet++ Workshop! :sparkles:
Jan 22, 2024 From April until July, I will be doing a 4 months research stay at the CV Lab, from University van Amsterdam, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Martin R. Oswald. I am eager to collaborate with such an expert on neural representations for SLAM! :smile:
Oct 16, 2023 The full version of “Ray-Patch: An Efficient Querying for Light Field Transformers” has been accepted for a :fireworks: spotlight :fireworks: at the International Conference on 3D Vision 2024. :smile: